Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Brooken Needle

Last week I sat on one of my needles and her a terrible snap. At first I thought I was going to have to buy new ones, which was dissapointing cause I had been on a role that night getting quite a lot done. Then I decided that duck taping it back together was a great idea. So far it has worked alright. However, I can really push the yarn over the duck tape and I have lost a few inches of length, which is causing some problems. I tried to buy a replacement pair this weekend, but I couldn't remember what size to buy and ended up buying a size too small and a size smaller than that (I was convined it would have to be one of the two, but I was epically wrong). Oh well. Clearly I should never leave home without my knitting! I did manage to pick up a couple more pattern books, including a book on knitting two socks at once.

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